Keeping alive the memory of the men and women we portray and their sacrifice

Welcome to the Great War Society
The Great War Society is a non-profit making organisation based in the UK. Founded in 1984, we provide an opportunity for practical research into the uniforms, weaponry, equipment, training and everyday tasks of the Great War soldier, of both the British and German infantry.
Our members dress in period uniforms and equipment, learn the drill, and undertake the training and everyday activities of the time.
We are a living-history society, not a battle re-enactment group, believing that it is simply neither possible - nor desirable - to attempt to portray combat in front of the public. Rather, our activities are focused upon authentic demonstrations of the many and varied skills which a soldier would have had to acquire to enable him to do his job "in the field".
As we now find ourselves a Century distant from the Great War, with all of those who served having been called to higher service, our activities are, as ever, aimed at helping current generations - both the young and old alike - to view the conflict of 1914-1918 as more than just another dusty history lesson.
We exist purely to educate the public, to further the knowledge of our membership, and to perpetuate the memory and the sacrifices of the personnel who fought and served in "the war to end all wars" - sacrifices of life, of limb and of mind, which helped to secure the lives and liberties which we enjoy to this very day.
Disclaimer: The Great War Society is a non-political organisation.