As can be seen, the GWS' core British portrayal is that of the infantry.
Whilst there is no set Tank Corps unit within the GWS, we are able to provide British tank soldiers from both the earlier "Heavy Section" and "Heavy Branch" of the Machine Gun Corps, as well as the Tank Corps itself, which was formed in July 1917.
Our personnel are all completely correctly-equipped to portray & interpret a tank crew at any point during the Great War (between 1916 when the tank was introduced into service, and 1918). Uniquely, this allows the Society to cater for specific events and venues where a Great War tank is on-site (such as at the Tank Museum, BOVINGTON).
As with all our activities, the GWS' portrayal of the Tank Corps is historically accurate, and uniquely showcases the variety of specialist protective equipment which was issued to the men who fought in the unpleasant and confined working environment inside the early tanks.

1917 British tank commander with several crew members - and their Mk. IV Tank ...

Walking the path of Tank D51 "Deborah" - battlefield walk, in kit, at the commemorative event in FLESQUIRES, November 2017 (part of the Centenary commemorations of the Battle of CAMBRAI) ...

Members of a British tank crew inspect a captured enemy "Tank Gewehr" (German anti-tank rifle).

Tank crew men of 1917 share a joke (and a cuppa!), with their 21st Century descendants (Tankfest, 2017).

Some of the tank crew with members of the Motor Machine Gun Corps, aboard their Matchless-Vickers motorcycle combination.

Just out of the line, some of the crew share a joke - and a fag ...

Some of the crew with our friend, the owner of the real "Deborah D51". (Image captured on the Centenary of "Deborah" going into action at FLESQUIERES, during the Battle of CAMBRAI, and at her actual start point on the battlefield).

Crew of a Mk. IV Tank, and their faithful mount, back from the successful action at CAMBRAI, November 1917.

Mk. IV Tank gunner, ready to go ...